Monday, May 26, 2008

Am I Missing Anything? by Barb

Well, there are a couple of answers to that question:

1. Traffic – do I miss the crazy zany traffic of Phnom Phen? Well …. The streets here seem very empty and there is no challenge when you come to a cross street – green means go and red is stop; driving here is very orderly and there is no room for a challenge - folk don’t like you crossing the yellow line or white ones for that matter. Yes, I do miss not having the thrill of a lifetime going to and from work each day!
2. Blogging? ……. Not sure, but don’t laugh you guys – I’ve decided to buy a laptop! No Kidding! For those of you who don’t understand this – I was the worst blogger of the 10!
3. My Roommate, Kit? Yes. For not knowing each other prior to this trip, we did okey! I miss our glass of coke at the end of the day and our chats; hearing you say “okey, I’m turning my ears off now”; your caring and concern for all of the guys, your sense of humor and your ability to take a couple of verses and produce the most eloquent sermon!
4. The "Guys"? Far more than I ever thought! So different, so diverse, so very hard working, yet so compassionate about the work they were doing. Yes, I really do miss them all.
5. Rahab’s House – do I miss the scraping and scraping, the Polysporin, the kids playing, watching Richard playing soccer or being a merry-go-round; do I miss the hugs and infectious smile of Sunshine and her family – yes, more than anything.
6. Morning Prayer and Evening Chats – yes, that brought us all together and kept us focused as a team and as individuals
7. Rice and noodles, noodles and rice – no …… not really
8. Meeting Clay, Christa, Helen (from Aim, IJM, Chab DaC) and everyone from ARC; seeing Marie Ens and Rescue and meeting all those that benefit from her place of rescue – it was such a privilege to meet and see firsthand the difference they are making to so many lives in Cambodia. They are living Jesus every day, all day, 24/7.
9. Those amazing coffees every morning? – oh yeah – many thank yous Clay They were totally amazing!
10. Do I miss my little Sunshine family – yes, absolutely – every day and many times a day I think of them
11. Would I do it all over again? Yes, in a heartbeat.

And now, back at home …… what happens from here? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. The 2 weeks in SP were life changing and are extremely difficult to translate into words – there is so much in my heart and thoughts that words by themselves can’t explain. The sites, sounds, feelings of Cambodia pop into my life here in Vancouver at any time of the day or night and give a kind of “home-sick” feeling. Only the Lord knows for sure what lies ahead and I leave it all in His hands, knowing that His ways are perfect and He is in control.

Thank you to everyone at Fairview and to my family and friends for all of your support.
Thank you to all of the folk in Cambodia – Clay, Christa, Helen, Marie and the Cambodian workers that we had the privilege of meeting – you all touched my life in ways you can't imagine.
Richest blessings to each of you.

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