Sunday, May 4, 2008

A BUSY start for the team- Jeff

so after the first 14 hours of fun in the air we got to wait a little bit on the ground in Taipei. we got a good 6 hours in before we had to fly again, but by the time it hit the 4th hour i think we were ready to get out of that airport.

so we got into Cambodia very smoothly, customs went right by and we were ready to head to the golden gate hotel. The drive over was really something, we cut through parking lots and ally ways in true Cambodian fashion and got settled in no time. after getting all settled in we went out for lunch with a visit to Toul Sleng afterwards. it was a very emotional and heart renching experience to see all the horror that had occurred in those buildings. it is much more powerful to see those rooms in person then to see them in a movie or picture.

so now were just getting ready for bed after having dinner at a nice little restaurant down the street from the hotel and are prepping ourselves for the adventures that tomorrow will bring us

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