Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Scraping, sledging and sweating .....(Kit)


Wednesday evening in Phnom Penh. As you will have read from the others, we are all adjusting to this new country and new culture. Despite the fact that we are drinkng liter after liter of water (and green tea, Coke, Gatorade, and rehydration salts, etc.) on a regular and frequent basis, we have had a few outbreaks of dehydration and heat effects. And when it comes it arrives - zing! - without warning. All of us have blisters, bruises, bites, aches, queasiness (or worse) and aches and pains. Everyone seems to be recovering though. We are tired, and we are sometimes simply overhwelmed by this small wretched village, and its main form of revenue.

The kids show up the minute we do. Some of the boys are nine or ten and are known pimps. This is the life they know. They stay all day, love to play catch, love to do those weird macho hand shake things (I learned fast) and I love spending time with them. We have noticed, though, that they can get pretty aggressive when they choose to. They also have their eyes on our empty pop tims, water bttles, rubbish, etc.

Toph was right - that 'pink room' had to go. We have now got all the cheap, lurid, hideous pink off, and we can start painting this room soon. Some of the things that happened in this room are unspeakable, unimaginable. Getting that paint scraped off was a nightmare....and worth every scrape.

I am pretty tired today. Feeling a bit queasy earlier, but all things considered, I am in pretty good shape. The headaches have conveniently arrived in the middle of the night, and they wake me up. This is a good thing in many respects - it meansI can take the medication and go back to sleep and usually wake up feeing okay.

Dinner with Marie Ens tonight, and now back at the hotel.Marty and Richard and I are trying to send our posts to this blog but we are having difficulty getting through.....

This comes from me, with love

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