Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 4 - Tim

What have I seen, with my own eyes, so far, in Svay Pak? Snapshots:
  • One teenage boy with HIV-like nodules on his face.
  • Old Vietnamese women who must have seen much suffering dating back at the very least to the Vietnam War and probably long before that.
  • Stinking cesspools with raw human sewage in the vacant lot/garbage dump just across the dirt street (we filled in some of them with broken bricks from the walls of Rahab's House).
  • A clearcut out back (not that there's anything intrinsically wrong with clearcutting as a tool in terms of forest science as long as it's used properly (much the same as a scalpel); but here the poaching and international sale of valuable timber is a highly corrupt business, the money probably enabling additional crimes).
  • A daycare, of sorts, with many very young children playing in a wet, fetid yard.
  • A moribund, if not outright deceased, Roman Catholic church not 60 yards from Rahab's House.
  • A Toyota Landcruiser (a $90,000 vehicle in BC) parked in its owner's garage where it had no business being in.
  • Many young pretty girl teenagers. Many babies on hips (their own, or their mothers'?)
  • A western white middle aged pedophile.
  • Large cockroaches running for cover when we busted their concrete bunkers.
  • Pimps galore on mopeds.
  • Five, six and seven year-old girls pulling at my shirt as I empty the wheelbarrow. I kid you not.
  • Our beautiful 3-4 year old Baby Doll, to whom the entire team was immediately drawn, with the sad eyes and yellow dress, hanging around the door to Rahab's House all yesterday.
  • The hand of God beginning to move.

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