Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kelvin's post #4 "Disappointment"

Today was a very disappointing day for me because I could not go to work with the team. Paul and I did not have a very good night, he woke up not feeling well and I woke up with the worst case of dizzyness I have ever had. I have to admit that I have had mornings where I woke up feeling like this but that was in my teenage years which I am not too proud of. This was much worse and Kit and Barb both feel it is a case of dehydration and exhaustion. It is now afternoon and the team has returned after another successful day. I am feeling a lot better now, not 100% but better and look forward to getting back to work tomorrow, I hope Paul feels better as well.


1 comment:

Annette said...

hi Kelvin, Wow, it sounds like quite a trip you are on. We will continue to pray for you and your team. We will pray that you will get your strenghth back so you will be able to get some of the work done that you were planning to do. You are always in our hearts and prayers. We miss you. Love your partner Annette