Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If it's Tuesday, this must be Svay Pak (Kit)

My apologies for the 'radio silence' - we've had some computer problems.

I think that almost everyone who has posted a comment tonight will have mentioned the exhaustion. Yesterday we poured our strength, hearts, emotions and adrenaline into the work, and today every single one of us was feeling pretty depleted in terms of physical energy. We are , however, being careful, staying hydrated, taking breaks, etc. The guys on this team are amazing - and they are all so strong. You should see those sledgehammers flying!

At the end of our workday, we are a pretty grungy, sweat- soaked team - staggering to the van covered in grime, dust, spiderwebs, paint, mud and the unrelenting dust which gets in every nook and cranny, every skin pore.

On the whole we are staying pretty healthy. The weather, jet lag, humidity, heat, lack of air conditioning and food differences are not great for the migraine people on the team, and a couple of us have had a fairly challenging time with this. There have been some cuts and bruises, some dizziness, and suchlike....

The team members work really well together, and we are all so grateful for KVE, our excellent leader. Everyone seems to have an important role in making this team work - I love to see it all clicking together.

Well, it's late( just after nine in the evening, but under the circumstances , it's late here - we all meet in Grant and Jeff's room at 0620 ) and if I don't get out of this hotel lobby and back up to my room, my roommate will be wondereing where I am.

Marty has talked about the kids - one little girl in particular, who is very curious about us, very young (five?) very wary, very suspicious, has the lithe little body of a child - and the eyes of a twenty five year old. She breaks my heart. She has yet to smile at us but she watches us all day.

Okay, that's it for tonight. This comes with my love - we are SO conscious of your love and praers and support. Thanks so much.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, after a few mis-steps I think I've got this Google stuff figured out!

It is great to read your diary entries and to see some of the pictures. I am not surprised that on the second day you would find the work even tougher and I wondered about how things would go for those of you who suffer from migraines.

What we read moves us all deeply. We cannot comprehend what you are experiencing at this moment. All we can do is to continue to keep you close in our thoughts, in our prayers, and listen to you carefully when you return.You will have so much to share. I am glad you will be able to do that among yourselves but I also hope that you will have opportunity to do so with your brothers and sisters at Fairview and elsewhere and with strangers that God sends along your way.

I just spoke to Elaine who tells me that everything is so quiet at the church office that she is lonely! However, David Horn came by the cheer her up and we will gather, of course, for Coffee and Conversation tomorrow.

I am off to visit with Gordon Brown who is home now. He has shown a real interest, despite dealing with some serious health issues, in the mission and I will be able to share some of your comments with him.

May the Lord's blessing continue to be upon you.
