Friday, May 9, 2008

Kelvin' post #6 "Are you busy"

Friday morning came early andthe team headed out quickly to get a few hours of work in at RH before preparing to go to Arc. Once back at the hotel and cleaned up we hopped into a couple of tuktuks and headed across town. I was starting to become totally overwhelmed by the magnitude of this whole project that I have gotten myself involved in. It all started when I received a phone call at work that asked " Are you busy"? Things at work are always busy but I had a few minutes to take a call from a friend. That Friend turned out to be Jesus speaking through my friend Paul calling me to follow him. I felt right away this is something that I had to do. After telling my family about it and praying about it I confirmed with the team that I was in. And so here I am sitting in a tuktuk heading to ARC, a place I knew nothing about a few months back, a place were the love of God is wrapped around these girls through the arms of the staff that work there. Once inside the gate we were given a tour and then got to meet the girls. We had lunch with them and had a chance to talk with them as best we could. We were there for a couple of hours but it seemed only minutes before we had to leave. The girls were absolutly wonderful and appear to be recovering well from a past which is unimaginable. When heading back in our tuktuks I could not help but think about my two teenage girls and being totally thankful that we live in Canada, a land of opportunities that unfortunatly most these girls will never have.
It is funny that earlier this year I was thinking about possibly going on a mission trip somewhere, didn't know where but somewhere. God must have heard that thought in my head and made it happen in a big way.

God is Good!


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